10 Golden Tips for Successful Traders
In layman’s language, we all know trading means to buy and sell stock from and to the market, but what most people are unaware about is the rules to become a successful trader. One should always remember it is not about WHAT you are trading in, it’s about HOW you are doing it.
A successful trader is a disciplined trader. We may think it is easy to trade by simply buying and selling at the lowest and highest prices respectively, but there is more to it. Trading is risky. Therefore, to overcome the element of risk and be successful in day trading, one must be disciplined and follow the rules of this beautiful game.
If you are new to trading, then just breathe in and let the rules guide you through!
Rule 1: Make a proper trading plan
It is undoubtedly, the most crucial part of trading. The reason why the majority of the traders fail to make money out of trading is due to their lack of planning. Having a plan is as important as having money to trade. So, don’t skip it.
Planning doesn’t need to be anything fancy. It means to set some rules for yourself, follow your strategy and evaluate what you have been doing or plan to do.
Rule 2: Strive to gain knowledge
It is inevitable to have a thorough research before you put in your money. The markets change every day, making it very important for the trader to stay updated about the trends and keep knowledge about the industry.
There is no such phrase as “too much knowledge”. Reading, analysis, and planning can make you a successful trader.
Rule 3: Know your trading capital
One should always know how much they are ready to lose, and that will be the amount that they should be investing in markets. Not a penny more, not a penny less. It is required for a person to know his finances and invest accordingly. The rule is to not invest more than 5% of the money you have.
The trading money should be kept separate from the other expenses and emergency funds which will be needed in your future life. A smart investor will never risk all his trading capital at once.
Rule 4: Maintain discipline
More than anything, it is crucial and beneficial to have a consistent and disciplined trading strategy. Only then can one see a positive count of money flowing in.
Being disciplined means to follow the plans and strategy religiously and without fail. Losing and winning is a part of trading. Selling the shares because one incurred a loss is the game of a poor trader. The market rewards the disciplined players and kicks out the rebel.
Rule 5: Never be greedy
Never let greed drive you and your game. It only takes you deeper into the well and makes you fall hard on your face.
The market is very fluctuating. If you don’t play the game properly, you can be the richest person at one minute and be the poorest in the next.
Rule 6: Don’t compound the losses
One must always keep a limit to tolerate their loss. The level of tolerance can only save you from getting deeper into the losses. On the other hand, it is absolutely fine to incur a loss, it only helps one to learn the game better.
A smart investor’s move is to apply for a “stop-loss order”. This means the stocks will automatically get sold after the prices hit a point. It can be done through the broker, or one can do it on their own if the game is played by himself online.
Rule 7: Price target
It is never feasible to set a price target. This means one must never sell the stocks or buy once the target price has been hit. Let the price run wild. It is never a wise choice to exit after the price hit the target.
Rule 8: Be realistic
It takes time to build a strategy and methodology which is sound, and effective only if it is based on realistic facts and plans.
Is it possible to earn a 35% return in a year? Yes, it is!
Is it guaranteed? Absolutely no!
One should never bank on one investment making unreasonably good returns and don’t fall into a pattern of wishful thinking.
Rule 9: Take help of technology
Nowadays, people prefer to do trading online, rather than involving the brokers.
There are software and apps which help the trader know the game better.
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Rule 10: Enjoy the game
Though day trading is a risky and stressful business, one must learn and master this game. Most importantly, enjoy every bit of it. There will be ups and downs, joys and grievances. Don’t let this game rule your life, learn to rule the game with patience, plan and consistency.
As one said it rightly, “the cost of discipline is less than the price of pain”.
Making this the mantra of trading, one can be a successful day trader.
As legendary investor Warren Buffett once said, “If you’re going to do dumb things because a stock goes down, you shouldn’t own a stock at all.”