How Long Will My Retirement Savings Last?
Have you been saving for your retirement meticulously? Do you have plans of enjoying your retirement days with a large retirement corpus that you save up through your employment years? Are you planning to embark on regular European holidays during your retirement years? Or do you just want to move to somewhere nice and warm where you can relax and spend your days at a slow and gentle pace? Whatever your plan is, you will need to build a retirement corpus for it. After all, if you aren’t getting a regular salary through a job, it will be tough for you to finance yourself. Even if you are investing what might seem like a sufficient amount of money regularly, no one can really predict the future. One of the questions which a lot of people might have is, “how long will my retirement savings last?” It’s a very valid question to ask. As it is impossible for us to accurately predict our lifespans, we can’t put an exact number on when your retirement savings will run out. Figuring out how many years your retirement savings will last isn’t an exact science. The number of variables at play is extensive. Some of those are investment returns, inflation, unforeseen expenses. All of these have a direct impact on your savings’ longevity.
But there’s still value in coming up with an estimate. The easiest and most direct way to achieve this is by weighing your total savings and investment returns against your annual expenses. There are also certain steps you can take to ensure that your retirement savings last really long.
How Long Will My Retirement Savings Last: How to Make them Last Longer?
Best Ways to make your savings last longer:
Good Withdrawal Strategies
You can use a lot of calculators available online to help you get a starting point. However, it shouldn’t be considered as the final word on stretching your savings, especially if you’re willing to adjust your spending to suit some common retirement withdrawal strategies.
Below are some smart rules of thumb on how to withdraw your retirement savings in a way that gives you the best chance of having your money last as long as you need it to, no matter what the world sends your way.
The 4% rule
The 4% rule is based on research by William Bengen, published in 1994, that found that if you invested at least 50% of your money in stocks and the rest in bonds, you’d have a strong likelihood of being able to withdraw an inflation-adjusted 4% of your savings account balance every year for 30 years (and possibly longer, depending on your investment return over that time).
The rule is quite simple and straightforward to execute: You only withdraw 4% of your savings in the first year. Every subsequent year, you withdraw the same dollar amount (adjusted for inflation).
This theory has been tested across some of the worst financial situations in history, such as the Great Depression. Each and every time, 4% turned out to be a safe withdrawal rate. The 4% rule is easy to understand and follow. It’s also extremely effective, provided at least 50% of your money is invested in stocks.
Dynamic withdrawals
The 4% rule is relatively rigid. The amount you withdraw annually is adjusted by inflation and absolutely nothing else, so finance experts have come up with a couple of methods to extend your odds of success, especially if you’re looking for your money to last a lot longer than 30 years.
These methods are called “dynamic withdrawal strategies.” Generally, all that means is you adjust in response to investment returns, reducing withdrawals in years when investment returns aren’t as high as expected, and withdrawing more when the market returns are exceptionally rewarding.
There are many dynamic withdrawal strategies, with varying degrees of complexity. You might want help from a financial advisor to set one up.
The income floor strategy
This strategy helps you preserve your savings for the end of the day by ensuring you don’t need to sell stocks when the market is down.
Make sure essential expenses are covered by guaranteed income. Here’s how it works: Figure out the total dollar amount you need for essential expenses, like housing and food, and make sure you’ve got those expenses covered by guaranteed income, such as Social Security, plus a bond ladder or an annuity.
A word about annuities: While some are overpriced and risky, a single premium immediate annuity can be an effective retirement-income tool. You provide a lump sum in return for guaranteed payments for life. In the right circumstances, even a reverse mortgage might work to shore up your income floor.
That way, you always know your basics are covered. Then, let your invested savings be responsible for your discretionary expenses. For instance, you’d settle for a staycation when the stock market’s tanking, and go out touring the world when your stocks are giving great returns.
When planning for retirement, the reality is that the sooner you begin saving and investing, the more financially secure you will be, because of the facility of interest. And albeit you began saving late or have yet to start, it is vital to understand that you simply aren’t alone, and there are steps you can take to increase your retirement savings. Always remember, it’s never too late to get started and build a retirement corpus.
Consider the subsequent tips, which are bound to increase your savings, regardless of what your current stage of life is, and just start pursuing the retirement of your dreams.
Focus on starting today
Especially if you’re just starting to put money away for retirement, start saving and investing the maximum amount as you are able to now, and let interest — the power of your assets to get earnings, which are reinvested to get their own earnings — have a chance to figure in your favour. The more you invest in your youth, the better off you’ll be.
Contribute to your 401(k)
If your employer offers a standard 401(k) plan and you’re eligible, it allows you to contribute pre-tax money, which may be a big advantage. Say you’re within the 12% income bracket and decide to contribute $100 per pay period. Since that money comes out of your paycheck before federal income taxes are assessed, your take-home pay will drop by only $88 (plus the amount of applicable state and local income tax and Social Security and Medicare tax). That means you’ll invest more of your income without feeling a massive pinch in your monthly budget. If your employer offers a Roth 401(k) feature, which uses income after taxes instead of pre-tax funds, you ought to consider what tax bracket you are going to fall in retirement to help you make a decision as to whether this is the proper choice for you or not. Even if you allow your employer to choose for yourself, you will still have options on what to try to do with your 401(k) account.
Meet your employer’s match
If your employer offers to match your 401(k) plan contributions, try to ensure that you contribute the minimum requirement to take advantage of the match. For example, an employer may offer to match 50% of employee contributions up to five percent of your salary. That means if you earn $50,000 a year and contribute $2,500 to your pension plan, your employer would kick in another $1,250. It’s essentially free money. Don’t leave it on the table.
Open an IRA
Consider establishing a private pension plan or an Insurance Retirement Account (IRA) to help with building your retirement corpus. You have two options: a standard IRA could also be right for you (depending on your income and whether you and/or your spouse have a workplace pension plan). Contributions to a standard IRA could also be tax-deductible and therefore the investment earnings have the chance to grow tax-deferred until you create withdrawals during retirement. If you meet the phased out income limits, which are supported by your federal tax filing status, a Roth IRA could also be a fantastic choice for you.
They are funded with after-tax contributions, so once you have turned 59.5 years old, qualified distributions, including earnings, are federal-tax-free (and perhaps even state-tax-free) if certain holding period requirements are satisfied.
Utilize catch-up contributions if you are above 50 years old
One of the reasons why it’s vital to start out saving early that yearly contributions to IRAs and 401(k) plans are limited. The good news? As of the year you reach age 50, you’re eligible to travel beyond the traditional limits with catch-up contributions to IRAs and 401(k)s.
So if over the years, you haven’t been ready to save the maximum amount as you’d have liked, catch-up contributions can help boost your retirement savings.
Automate your savings
You must be familiar with the phrase “pay yourself first”. Automate your retirement contributions and ensure that they are carried out every month. You can automate your savings through tools associated with most banks. It will allow you to make regular contributions to your savings account without specifically worrying about it. This will ensure that you don’t miss out on your regular contributions to your savings.
Rein in spending
Examine your budget. You would possibly negotiate a lower rate on your automobile insurance or save money on food by learning how to cook instead of buying takeout every day. You can also get rid of your cable connection if you watch most of your shows and movies through online streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. In fact, you can share a Netflix account with your spouse/friends and save money on paying extra money. You can also move to a part of the town where you get more for your money when it comes to property. You can also choose to use public transport more often than your car and reduce your expenditure on that aspect as well. Don’t buy new clothes unless you need them, use this philosophy for just about every purchase in life. Don’t splurge on luxury.
Set a goal
Knowing what exact retirement corpus you will need not only makes the method of saving and investing easier but can also make it more rewarding. Set benchmarks along the way, and gain satisfaction as you meet your mini targets in pursuit of your ultimate retirement goal. Yes, the road is long, but no one said you can’t enjoy the small achievements on the way.
Don’t splurge your extra funds away
Do you happen to have some extra money stashed somewhere (of the legal kind hopefully)? Don’t just spend it. Whenever you receive a raise, increase your contribution percentage. Dedicate a minimum of half the new money to your pension plan. And while it’s going to be tempting to not spend that tax refund or salary bonus and splurge on a replacement designer purse or a vacation, don’t treat those extra funds as money you found lying on the street. You should just treat yourself to something small and use the remainder to help you make big leaps toward your retirement goal.
Consider delaying Social Security as you get closer to your retirement age
This can make a major difference to your retirement corpus. Every year that you delay a social security payment before the age of 70, you will increase the amount that you will receive in the future. The earliest you can start receiving social security is from the age of 62. If you wait till you reach 70 years of age, your monthly benefit will increase, and therefore the additional income adds up quickly. Pushing your retirement back even one year could make a big difference. It also adds to potential survivor benefits for your spouse.
You must recognize that keeping money for retirement is a necessity and not a luxury. Understand what proportion you would like to stash away for retirement, and find creative ways to extend your contributions. Starting too late and saving insufficient tends to be a common regret amongst retirees. If you go through the trouble now and work towards investing in your retirement corpus, you will have a much more relaxed time when you actually retire. If you are always wondering “how long will my retirement savings last”, start working on building a big enough corpus so that you don’t have to worry about it for much longer.